The award is an honorable, valuable award - the prize "National Olympus" in the nomination "The Original Performance Style".
At the award ceremony of the National Olympus Svetlana Loboda received an order and became a laureate in the nomination “Original Performance Style” for creating her own stage image and creative experiments. And all this happened exactly on her birthday.
There are many talented people in Ukraine who work in the original style of performance, especially among politicians, from which it is even more pleasant that it was just me who received the award today, ”said the artist Svetlana Loboda, smiling.
A bronze statuette, a golden order and an honorary diploma were presented to Svetlana Lobade, President of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine, and the hosts of the evening, Yanina Sokolova and Oleg Panyuta, presented Svetlana with a commemorative statuette - a prize and right on the stage sang “Happy Idone! activity.
After the award ceremony, Svetlana Loboda, with all the prizes and awards, went to a private party, where she was already awaited by close friends with flowers and gifts.

Image Grad, a manufacturer of award-winning merchandise, produced prizes for the winners of the National Olympus Award.
You can see our works by following the link to the page: PRIZES, STEELS, STATUETTICS, VIP GIFTS AND SOUVENIRS, AWARDS, AWARDS.
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