For over 12 years, the Ukrainian manufacturing company Image Grad has been working closely with Thailand's tour operator SAYAMA Travel Group Co., Ltd, producing award diplomas and premium metal plaques.
The production of diplomas and awards, commendations on metal, has become a pleasant tradition from year to year. We repeatedly prove warm partnerships, high-quality and fruitful work in the face of our countries!
Thank you for always choosing your company!
Our long-term cooperation, which once again convinces us that we are doing a useful thing and doing it well.

Image Grad manufacturing enterprise - manufacturing diplomas, plaques on metal to order - extraordinary, creative awards, diplomas, plaques, certificates, awards for film festivals, music contests, celebrations, corporate prizes, award diplomas, elite business prizes, VIP gifts and souvenirs with logo ...
You can see our works by clicking on the link to the page: Production of diplomas, certificates, diplomas, congratulations on metal, award plaques, production of diplomas, diplomas, certificates in metal on wood, award plates to order Kiev.
Sales Department: Tel. (044) 331-77-12; e-mail:
Cooperation with the Image Grad manufacturing company will leave you only positive emotions, and the production of diplomas, certificates, award plaques at our production will please you and your partners for many years.
A team of professionals, extensive experience and high responsibility to the customer are our main principles in working in the manufacture of diplomas on metal.
Award diplomas, prizes, medals, diplomas to order, from the Ukrainian manufacturer of the company Image Grad - these are affordable prices and the highest quality!