What is in your name and why employee badges are so important, why should employees wear badges?
Experts answer, researches show:
badges improve customer relationships. When a client sees a badge with the name of the employee serving him, there is more trust and confidence, this has a positive effect on sales, and sales, as is known, are profits.
Visitors to the institution say it is important for them to see the name of the seller on the badge, this is very important for business relationships ...
The second very important point is that the badges support the corporate style and the spirit of the company, the employee with the badge, feels like a part of his company and a full member of the team, and thus works better.
And the third, high-quality badge, is a beautiful accessory on clothes, badges attract visitors, and play an important role not only in identifying an employee, but also in promoting advertising, recognizing the company ...
The production company Image Grad, offers manufacturing badges to order Kiev.
Production of badges from the Ukrainian producer of the PC Image Grad is reasonable prices and the highest quality!
Image Grad - sales department: Tel. (044) 331-77-12; e-mail: sales@imagegrad.com.ua

We offer the production of metal badges, premium class, at the level of jewelry.
Badges with a two-dimensional embossed image, electroplated coating gold, silver, copper plating, color enamels, magnetic mount for badges, or badge mount pin.
Metal badges on a magnet are unique metal shine, presentable appearance and durability.
You can order the production of badges on the site of the manufacturing enterprise Image Grad in the section - metal badges to order, production of badges for personnel. The page contains photos of works, made badges, with a description, as well as, the site has a form for ordering badges made of metal.
Production time when ordering metal badges, an average of 10 slaves. days, for the calculation of the order of badges,
It is necessary to specify the circulation, size of the badge, the desired coverage, the number of enamel colors and the type of attachment for the badges.
Metal badges are an image detail and "business card" of the company, metal badges are bright, stylish, durable and this is not the whole list of advantages. Magnetic metal badges are your choice!
Production of badges to order Kiev Ukraine:
Image Grad - sales department: Tel. (044) 331-77-12; e-mail: sales@imagegrad.com.ua
Badges to order from the manufacturing enterprise Image Grad is 100% quality, good mood and the key to your success!